Western Heights Primary Is Classified As A Decile 7 School
To enrol here at Western Heights School you must live within our enrolment zone, as set by the Ministry of Education.
Check out the Ministry of Education School Finder site using Google maps to get a closer more detailed map.
The link for this is here.
At present we have 70 out of zone children on our roll. We do not receive accommodation from the ministry for these children, meaning we have four less classrooms than we should have.
This is turn leads to larger class numbers in all the classrooms we do have.
For the foreseeable future we will not be taking NEW out of zone enrolments.
Please Note:
ALL out of zone children currently attending Western Heights can continue to do so until the end of their year six year.
To enrol here at Western Heights School you must live within our enrolment zone, as set by the Ministry of Education.
Check out the Ministry of Education School Finder site using Google maps to get a closer more detailed map.
The link for this is here.
At present we have 70 out of zone children on our roll. We do not receive accommodation from the ministry for these children, meaning we have four less classrooms than we should have.
This is turn leads to larger class numbers in all the classrooms we do have.
For the foreseeable future we will not be taking NEW out of zone enrolments.
Please Note:
ALL out of zone children currently attending Western Heights can continue to do so until the end of their year six year.
The boundary is:
All students who live within the home zone described below and shown on the enrolment zone map shall be entitled to enrol at the school.
Starting at the intersection of Swanson Road (excluded) and Sturges Road travel south west along Sturges Road including, on the southern side, all side roads exiting onto Sturges Road. Palomino Drive included. Border Road excluded.
Candia Road (95 - 109 odd, 168 - 180) included.
On the northern side of Sturges Road include all side roads up to the addresses designated for Lake Panorama Drive (75, 64 and below), Roy Maloney Drive (41, 40 and below) and Summerland Drive (45, 30 and below).
For Chesterton Terrace odd numbers only are included and for Chelmsley Avenue only numbers 2 - 6 are included.
All of Burgundy Park Avenue and Septimus Place are included.
All residential addresses on included sides of boundary roads and all no exit roads off included sides of boundary roads are included in the zone unless otherwise stated.
If places are available, enrolments may include:
Individual children from out of zone, if places available through the ballot system.
Siblings of previously enrolled out of zone family members have first preference.
Please Note:
Western Heights School, according to our obligation to be a good employer, automatically accepts out of zone enrolment for the children of staff members and Board of Trustees members.
All students who live within the home zone described below and shown on the enrolment zone map shall be entitled to enrol at the school.
Starting at the intersection of Swanson Road (excluded) and Sturges Road travel south west along Sturges Road including, on the southern side, all side roads exiting onto Sturges Road. Palomino Drive included. Border Road excluded.
Candia Road (95 - 109 odd, 168 - 180) included.
On the northern side of Sturges Road include all side roads up to the addresses designated for Lake Panorama Drive (75, 64 and below), Roy Maloney Drive (41, 40 and below) and Summerland Drive (45, 30 and below).
For Chesterton Terrace odd numbers only are included and for Chelmsley Avenue only numbers 2 - 6 are included.
All of Burgundy Park Avenue and Septimus Place are included.
All residential addresses on included sides of boundary roads and all no exit roads off included sides of boundary roads are included in the zone unless otherwise stated.
If places are available, enrolments may include:
Individual children from out of zone, if places available through the ballot system.
Siblings of previously enrolled out of zone family members have first preference.
Please Note:
Western Heights School, according to our obligation to be a good employer, automatically accepts out of zone enrolment for the children of staff members and Board of Trustees members.